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Low-complexity domains adhere by reversible amyloid-like interactions between kinked β-sheets

biorxiv. 2017-06; 
Michael P. Hughes, Michael R. Sawaya, Lukasz Goldschmidt, Jose A. Rodriguez, Duilio Cascio, Tamir Gonen, David S. Eisenberg
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Biochemicals … Protein segment crystallization and structure determination FUS | 37-SYSGYS-42 | peptide was ordered from GenScript (Piscataway, NJ) … Refinement was performed with Refmac (38) FUS | 54-SYSSYGQS-61 | peptide was ordered from GenScript (Piscataway, NJ) … Get A Quote


Control of metabolism by compartmentation is a widespread feature of higher cells. Recent studies have focused on dynamic intracellular bodies such as stress granules, P-bodies, nucleoli, and metabolic puncta. These bodies appear as separate phases, some containing reversible, amyloid-like fibrils formed by interactions of low-complexity protein domains. Here we report five atomic structures of segments of low-complexity domains from granule-forming proteins, one determined to 1.1 Å resolution by micro-electron diffraction. Four of these interacting protein segments show common characteristics, all in contrast to pathogenic amyloid: kinked peptide backbones, small surface areas of interaction, and predominate ... More
