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β-Glucans are involved in immune-modulation of THP-1 macrophages.

Mol Nutr Food Res.. 2012-05;  56(5):822-33
Wasaporn Chanput, Marit Reitsma, Lennart Kleinjans, Jurriaan J. Mes, Huub F. J. Savelkoul, Harry J. Wichers. Food & Biobased Research, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Bornse Weilanden 9, 6708 WG Wageningen, The Netherlands
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"SCOPE: We aimed to examine different immunological aspects of β-glucans derived from different food sources (oat, barley and shiitake) on phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-differentiated THP-1 macrophages. Commercially purified barley β-glucan (commercial BG) and lentinan were included to compare β-glucans from the same origin but different degree of purity and processing. METHODS AND RESULTS: Chemical composition and molecular weight distribution of β-glucan samples were determined. Inflammation-related gene expression kinetics (IL-1β, IL-8, nuclear factor kappa B [NF-κB] and IL-10) after 3, 6 and 24 h of stimulation with 100 μg/mL β-glucan were investigated. All tested... More


β -Glucan; Immunomodulation; Inflammation; Pre-incubation; THP-1 macrophages