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TgrasH2 Mouse Model for Assessing Carcinogenic Potential of Pharmaceuticals: Industry Survey of Current Practices

Int J Toxicol. 2020-05-01; 
Matthew S Bogdanffy, Jacob Lesniak, Raja Mangipudy, Frank D Sistare, Karyn Colman, David Garcia-Tapia, Thomas Monticello, Diann Blanset
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Peptide Synthesis … MATERIALS AND METHODS Peptide Synthesis Citropin 1.1, Citropin A, and the hybrid peptide Citropin-MMP were custom synthesized commer- cially by Genscript (USA). Fmoc chemistry was uti- lized to synthesize the peptides reaching a purity of > 95 … Get A Quote


The Tg.rasH2 mouse was developed as an alternative model to the traditional 2-year mouse bioassay for pharmaceutical carcinogenicity testing. This model has found extensive use in support of pharmaceutical drug development over the last few decades. It has the potential to improve quality and timeliness, reduce animal usage, and in some instances allow expedient decision-making regarding the human carcinogenicity potential of a drug candidate. Despite the increased use of the Tg.rasH2 model, there has been no systematic survey of current practices in the design, interpretation of results from the bioassay, and global health authority perspectives. Therefore, the aim of this work was to poll the pharmaceutical i... More


IQ DruSafe, Tg.rasH2, carcinogenicity, pharmaceuticals