background: Contributions from Latin America to the global literature are scarce; until 2011, spine surgeons had published 320 articles in indexed journals.
methods: This systematic review evaluates the scientific production of the Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (Asociación Mexicana de Cirujanos de Columna-AMCICO) from its inception in 1998 to 2018 with the PRISMA statement using PubMed and Google Scholar search engines. The inclusion criteria were spine-related articles in indexed journals providing any (or no) level of evidence with ≥1 AMCICO member as an author. Journal metrics, article metrics, and author variables were analyzed using SPSS version 25.
results: Of the 444 surgeons historically bel... More
background: Contributions from Latin America to the global literature are scarce; until 2011, spine surgeons had published 320 articles in indexed journals.
methods: This systematic review evaluates the scientific production of the Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (Asociación Mexicana de Cirujanos de Columna-AMCICO) from its inception in 1998 to 2018 with the PRISMA statement using PubMed and Google Scholar search engines. The inclusion criteria were spine-related articles in indexed journals providing any (or no) level of evidence with ≥1 AMCICO member as an author. Journal metrics, article metrics, and author variables were analyzed using SPSS version 25.
results: Of the 444 surgeons historically belonging to AMCICO, only 126 members contributed a total of 441 articles between 1998 and 2018. An average of 21.00 annual publications with an annual scientific output per capita of 0.05 was found. The most frequent evidence level was III (211 articles, 48%), the highest level was I (12 articles, 3%). The main study objective was clinical research, with 308 articles (70%), and the main study foci was trauma, with 103 articles (23%). An average impact factor of 0.16 and 0.92 was obtained for publications in Spanish and English, respectively.
conclusions: Scientific publications by AMCICO members are scarce, with a per capita annual index of 0.05 from a total of 441 articles in indexed journals. Second, the impact factor of these journals is low, with a mean value of 0.53. Further strategies should be implemented to increase the number and track the record of Mexican contributions to the scientific literature.