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Custom Vector Construction> | … The gene sequence encoding the 590-residue IucA protein from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis (YP IucA) was retrieved from the NCBI database (accession ABS46958). The iucA gene was synthesized by GenScript, Inc. in the pUC57 vector. The synthetic gene … | Get A Quote |
Biosynthesis of the hydroxamate siderophore aerobactin requires the activity of four proteins encoded within the operon. Recently, we biochemically reconstituted the biosynthetic pathway and structurally characterized IucA and IucC, two enzymes that sequentially couple N-acetyl-N-hydroxylysine to the primary carboxylates of citrate. IucA and IucC are members of a family of non-ribosomal peptide synthetase-independent siderophore (NIS) synthetases that are involved in the production of other siderophores, including desferrioxamine, achromobactin, and petrobactin. While structures of several members of this family were solved previously, there is limited mechanistic insight into the reaction catalyzed by NIS syn... More