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Labeling Dual Presynaptic Inputs using cFork Anterograde Tracing System

Exp Neurobiol. 2020-06-01; 
Jun-Young Oh, Jeong-Ho Han, Hyoeun Lee, Young-Eun Han, Jong Cheol Rah, Hyungju Park
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PCR Cloning and Subcloning … also elicit transgene expression in vivo. Methods Plasmid construction The ITR sequences from AAV serotypes 1‐4 & 6‐7 sequences were ordered from Genscript with unique restriction enzyme sites flanking the sequences for downstream cloning. These … Get A Quote


Understanding brain function-related neural circuit connectivity is essential for investigating how cognitive functions are decoded in neural circuits. Trans-synaptic viral vectors are useful for identifying neural synaptic connectivity because of their ability to be transferred from transduced cells to synaptically connected cells. However, concurrent labeling of multisynaptic inputs to postsynaptic neurons is impossible with currently available trans-synaptic viral vectors. Here, we report a neural circuit tracing system that can simultaneously label postsynaptic neurons with two different markers, the expression of which is defined by presynaptic input connectivity. This system, called "cFork (see fork)", in... More


Adeno-associated virus -1, Adeno-associated virus -5, Anterograde tracing, Brain mapping, EGFP, mScarlet