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ComWΔ6 Stimulates Transcription of Pneumococcal Competence Genes

Front Mol Biosci. 2020; 
Nicole L Inniss, Donald A Morrison
Products/Services Used Details Operation
GenParts™ DNA Fragments … listed in Table 1. Plasmids pNLI60, pNLI115, and pNLI116 were synthesized by GenScript … our chimeric holo-enzymes could transcribe the ssbB and amiA genes from these … two plasmids that carry pneumococcal promoters upstream of pneumococcal gene fragments, pNLI115 … Get A Quote


The alternative streptococcal σ-factor and master competence regulator, σ, stimulates transcription from competence promoters, As the only known alternative σ-factor in streptococci, σ expression is tightly controlled in each species and has a specific physiological role. Pneumococcal transformation also requires the DNA binding activity of ComW, a known σ activator and stabilizer. Mutations to the housekeeping σ factor, σ, partially alleviate the ComW requirement, suggesting that ComW is a key player in the σ factor swap during the pneumococcal competence response. However, there is no evidence of a direct ComW - RNA polymerase interaction. Furthermore, if and how ComW functions directly at combox pro... More


ComW, S. pneumoniae competence, alternative sigma factor, genetic transformation, transcription