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Differential DNA Methylation and Expression of miRNAs in Adipose Tissue From Twin Pairs Discordant for Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes. 2021-07; 
Emma Nilsson, Magdalena Vavakova, Alexander Perfilyev, Johanna Säll, Per-Anders Jansson, Pernille Poulsen, Jonathan Lou S Esguerra, Lena Eliasson, Allan Vaag, Olga Göransson, Charlotte Ling
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DNA Sequencing … ; GenScript, Piscataway, NJ). The construct was then methylated using SssI methyltransferase with S-adenosylmethionine as a methyl donor (B9003S; New England Biolabs, Cambridge, MA). The hsa-miR-30a and hsa-let-7a-3 promoter sequences contain 10 and 59 SssI target … Get A Quote


The prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is increasing worldwide, but current treatments have limitations. miRNAs may play a key role in the development of T2D and can be targets for novel therapies. Here, we examined whether T2D is associated with altered expression and DNA methylation of miRNAs using adipose tissue from 14 monozygotic twin pairs discordant for T2D. Four members each of the miR-30 and let-7-families were downregulated in adipose tissue of subjects with T2D versus control subjects, which was confirmed in an independent T2D case-control cohort. Further, DNA methylation of five CpG sites annotated to gene promoters of differentially expressed miRNAs, including miR-30a and let-7a-3, was increased i... More
