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Sex-specific expression mechanism of hepatic estrogen inactivating enzyme and transporters in diabetic women

Biochem Pharmacol. 2021-06; 
Muluneh Fashe, MyeongJin Yi, Tatsuya Sueyoshi, Masahiko Negishi
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Monoclonal Antibody Services … Polyclonal antibody against RORα, p-RORα (an antibody specific to Serine 100 phosphorylated RORα), and p-ERα (an antibody specific to Serine 212 phosphorylated ERα), were custom-generated by Genscript Biotech (Piscataway, NJ). Monoclonal antibody against RORα (# … Get A Quote


Circulating estrogens levels significantly decrease in menopause and levels off in postmenopausal women. Accordingly, the liver represses levels of enzymes and membrane transporters, thereby decreasing capability of inactivating and excreting estrogens. Women increasingly develop type 2 diabetes during or after menopause. Estrogens are known to promote liver diseases in these women. Here, we have found that the estrogen inactivating sulfotransferase (SULT1E1) and an ATP-binding cassette subfamily G member 2 (ABCG2), a gene encoding breast cancer resistance protein that exports sulfated estrogens, increased their expression levels in diabetic women but not men. For the sulfotransferase gene, phosphorylated nucle... More


Diabetes, Estrogen sulfotransferase, Estrogens, Gender, Gene expression, Human liver