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In-situ biogas upgrading by bio-methanation with an innovative membrane bioreactor combining sludge filtration and H injection

Bioresour Technol. 2021-06; 
Laure Deschamps, Nabila Imatoukene, Julien Lemaire, Mahamadou Mounkaila, Rayen Filali, Michel Lopez, Marc-André Theoleyre
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Custom DNA/RNA Oligos … for gas injection into an anaerobic bioreactor and showed that this technology was efficient … Biogas analysis was carried out on micro-GC 490 from Agilent Technologies … Plasmids including the target sequences (pET-15b, GenScript) were used as reference sample excepted for … Get A Quote


A bioreactor using membrane technologies was used to demonstrate the feasibility of in-situ bio-methanation coupled to industrial wastewater treatment for biogas upgrading. High biogas productivity (1.7 Nm/m/day) with high CH content (97.9%) was reached. In-situ bio-methanation did not affect the COD removal efficiency of anerobic digestion (>94%). Process resilience has been tested for both substrate overload and H intermittence injection. Recovery of high CH content after 7 days without H injection occurred within few hours. Influence of microbial community has been studied showing that both hydrogenotrophic and homoacetogenic-acetoclastic pathways were involved.


Biogas up-grading, In-situ bio-methanation, Membrane bioreactor, Power-to-gas