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T cell receptor-dependent S-acylation of ZAP-70 controls activation of T cells

J Biol Chem. 2021-01; 
Ritika Tewari, Bieerkehazhi Shayahati, Ying Fan, Askar M Akimzhanov
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Mutagenesis Services … Site-directed mutagenesis was performed by GenScript to generate C564R ZAP-70, C560R ZAP-70 and C560R, C564R ZAP-70 and C564S ZAP-70 in the pLEX_307 vector backbone. WT ZAP-70 or C564R ZAP-70 was cloned into the pmCherry-C1 vector from Clontech (now … Get A Quote


ZAP-70 is a tyrosine kinase essential for T cell immune responses. Upon engagement of the T cell receptor (TCR), ZAP-70 is recruited to the specialized plasma membrane domains, becomes activated, and is released to phosphorylate its laterally segregated targets. A shift in ZAP-70 distribution at the plasma membrane is recognized as a critical step in TCR signal transduction and amplification. However, the molecular mechanism supporting stimulation-dependent plasma membrane compartmentalization of ZAP-70 remains poorly understood. In this study, we identified previously uncharacterized lipidation (S-acylation) of ZAP-70 using Acyl-Biotin Exchange assay, a technique that selectively captures S-acylated proteins. ... More


S-acylation, T cell, acyltransferase, palmitoylation, signal transduction