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ORF cDNA Clones/MolecularCloud> | … To this end, we designed and ordered from Genscript a yeast-codon optimized open reading frame (ORF) coding for GFP(1-10) in pUC57 and re-cloned this into the yeast expression … | Get A Quote |
Peroxisomes are essential organelles involved in various metabolic processes, including fatty acid β-oxidation. Their metabolic functions require a controlled exchange of metabolites and co-factors, including ATP, across the peroxisomal membrane. We investigated which proteins are involved in the peroxisomal uptake of ATP in the yeast . Using wild-type and targeted deletion strains, we measured ATP-dependent peroxisomal octanoate β-oxidation, intra-peroxisomal ATP levels employing peroxisome-targeted ATP-sensing reporter proteins, and ATP uptake in proteoliposomes prepared from purified peroxisomes. We show that intra-peroxisomal ATP levels are maintained by different peroxisomal membrane proteins each with d... More