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Custom DNA/RNA Oligos> | … coelicolor cydA gene promoter region were ordered from Genscript and from Sigma-Aldrich (Supplementary Table 2). All oligonucleotides were purified by HPLC by the manufacturer … | Get A Quote |
Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) is an essential enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of DNA building blocks in virtually all living cells. NrdR, an RNR-specific repressor, controls the transcription of RNR genes and, often, its own, in most bacteria and some archaea. NrdR senses the concentration of nucleotides through its ATP-cone, an evolutionarily mobile domain that also regulates the enzymatic activity of many RNRs, while a Zn-ribbon domain mediates binding to NrdR boxes upstream of and overlapping the transcription start site of RNR genes. Here, we combine biochemical and cryo-EM studies of NrdR from Streptomyces coelicolor to show, at atomic resolution, how NrdR binds to DNA. The suggested mechanism involve... More