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Custom DNA/RNA Oligos> | … The two oligos were synthesized (desalt purification only) at Genscript and resuspended in … incubation will decrease the cloning efficiency), purified by gel recovery and adjusted to 10 ng… | Get A Quote |
Uncovering the functions of genes in a complex biological process is fundamental for systems biology. However, currently there is no simple and reliable experimental tool available to conduct loss-of-function experiments for multiple genes in every possible combination in a single experiment, which is vital for parsing the interactive role of multiple genes in a given phenotype. In this study, we develop miR-AB, a new microRNA-based shRNA (shRNAmir) backbone for simplified, cost-effective, and error-proof production of shRNAmirs. After verification of its potent RNAi efficiency in vitro and in vivo, miR-AB was integrated into a viral toolkit containing multiple eukaryotic promoters to enable its application... More