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PCR and Cloning> | … coli (Genscript) and an appropriate nucleotide primer set (Supplementary Table 2). The pET28a vector was amplified by PCR using DNA polymerase with template DNA and an … | Get A Quote |
Photoreceptors are conserved in green algae to land plants and regulate various developmental stages. In the ocean, blue light penetrates deeper than red light, and blue-light sensing is key to adapting to marine environments. Here, a search for blue-light photoreceptors in the marine metagenome uncover a chimeric gene composed of a phytochrome and a cryptochrome (Dualchrome1, DUC1) in a prasinophyte, Pycnococcus provasolii. DUC1 detects light within the orange/far-red and blue spectra, and acts as a dual photoreceptor. Analyses of its genome reveal the possible mechanisms of light adaptation. Genes for the light-harvesting complex (LHC) are duplicated and transcriptionally regulated under monochromatic orange/... More