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Custom Vector Construction> | SLC-encoding cDNAs were obtained as codon-optimized versions from Genscript and transferred into pDONR221 entry vector using BP reaction gateway cloning (Invitrogen). | Get A Quote |
Interrogation of cellular metabolism with high-throughput screening approaches can unravel contextual biology and identify cancer-specific metabolic vulnerabilities. To systematically study the consequences of distinct metabolic perturbations, we assemble a comprehensive metabolic drug library (CeMM Library of Metabolic Drugs; CLIMET) covering 243 compounds. We, next, characterize it phenotypically in a diverse panel of myeloid leukemia cell lines and primary patient cells. Analysis of the drug response profiles reveals that 77 drugs affect cell viability, with the top effective compounds targeting nucleic acid synthesis, oxidative stress, and the PI3K/mTOR pathway. Clustering of individual drug response profil... More