Cytochrome P450 27C1 (P450 27C1) is a retinoid desaturase expressed in the skin that catalyzes the formation of 3,4-dehydroretinoids from all-trans retinoids. Within the skin, retinoids are important regulators of proliferation and differentiation. In vivo, retinoids are bound to cellular retinol-binding proteins (CRBPs) and cellular retinoic acid-binding proteins (CRABPs). Interaction with these binding proteins is a defining characteristic of physiologically relevant enzymes in retinoid metabolism. Previous studies that characterized the catalytic activity of human P450 27C1 utilized a reconstituted in vitro system with free retinoids. However, it was unknown whether P450 27C1 could directly interact with h... More
Cytochrome P450 27C1 (P450 27C1) is a retinoid desaturase expressed in the skin that catalyzes the formation of 3,4-dehydroretinoids from all-trans retinoids. Within the skin, retinoids are important regulators of proliferation and differentiation. In vivo, retinoids are bound to cellular retinol-binding proteins (CRBPs) and cellular retinoic acid-binding proteins (CRABPs). Interaction with these binding proteins is a defining characteristic of physiologically relevant enzymes in retinoid metabolism. Previous studies that characterized the catalytic activity of human P450 27C1 utilized a reconstituted in vitro system with free retinoids. However, it was unknown whether P450 27C1 could directly interact with holo-retinoid-binding proteins to receive all-trans retinoid substrates. To assess this, steady-state kinetic assays were conducted with free all-trans retinoids and holo-CRBP-1, holo-CRABP-1, and holo-CRABP-2. For holo-CRBP-1 and holo-CRABP-2, the k/K values either decreased 5-fold or were equal to the respective free retinoid values. The k/K value for holo-CRABP-1, however, decreased ∼65-fold in comparison with reactions with free all-trans retinoic acid. These results suggest that P450 27C1 directly accepts all-trans retinol and retinaldehyde from CRBP-1 and all-trans retinoic acid from CRABP-2, but not from CRABP-1. A difference in substrate channeling between CRABP-1 and CRABP-2 was also supported by isotope dilution experiments. Analysis of retinoid transfer from holo-CRABPs to P450 27C1 suggests that the decrease in k observed in steady-state kinetic assays is due to retinoid transfer becoming rate-limiting in the P450 27C1 catalytic cycle. Overall, these results illustrate that, like the CYP26 enzymes involved in retinoic acid metabolism, P450 27C1 interacts with cellular retinoid-binding proteins.