Mojiang virus (MojV) is the first henipavirus identified in a rodent and known only by sequence data, whereas all other henipaviruses have been isolated from bats (Hendra virus, Nipah virus, Cedar virus) or discovered by sequence data from material of bat origin (Ghana virus). Ephrin-B2 and -B3 are entry receptors for Hendra and Nipah viruses, but Cedar virus can utilize human ephrin-B1, -B2, -A2 and -A5 and mouse ephrin-A1. However, the entry receptor for MojV remains unknown, and its species tropism is not well characterized. Here, we utilized recombinant full-length and soluble forms of the MojV fusion (F) and attachment (G) glycoproteins in membrane fusion and receptor tropism studies. MojV F and G were fun... More
Mojiang virus (MojV) is the first henipavirus identified in a rodent and known only by sequence data, whereas all other henipaviruses have been isolated from bats (Hendra virus, Nipah virus, Cedar virus) or discovered by sequence data from material of bat origin (Ghana virus). Ephrin-B2 and -B3 are entry receptors for Hendra and Nipah viruses, but Cedar virus can utilize human ephrin-B1, -B2, -A2 and -A5 and mouse ephrin-A1. However, the entry receptor for MojV remains unknown, and its species tropism is not well characterized. Here, we utilized recombinant full-length and soluble forms of the MojV fusion (F) and attachment (G) glycoproteins in membrane fusion and receptor tropism studies. MojV F and G were functionally competent and mediated cell-cell fusion in primate and rattine cells, albeit with low levels and slow fusion kinetics. Although a relative instability of the pre-fusion conformation of a soluble form of MojV F was observed, MojV F displayed significantly greater fusion activity when heterotypically paired with Ghana virus G. An exhaustive investigation of A- and B-class ephrins indicated that none serve as a primary receptor for MojV. The MojV cell fusion phenotype is therefore likely the result of receptor restriction rather than functional defects in recombinant MojV F and G glycoproteins.