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Mammalian Expression> | Full-length human ZC3H4 was cloned into pcDNA3.1+N-terminal FLAG (DYK) tag expression vector (Genscript Piscataway, USA) | Get A Quote |
Interactions between the splicing machinery and RNA polymerase II increase protein-coding gene transcription. Similarly, exons and splicing signals of enhancer-generated long noncoding RNAs (elncRNAs) augment enhancer activity. However, elncRNAs are inefficiently spliced, suggesting that, compared with protein-coding genes, they contain qualitatively different exons with a limited ability to drive splicing. We show here that the inefficiently spliced first exons of elncRNAs as well as promoter-antisense long noncoding RNAs (pa-lncRNAs) in human and mouse cells trigger a transcription termination checkpoint that requires WDR82, an RNA polymerase II-binding protein, and its RNA-binding partner of previously unkno... More