Products/Services Used | Details | Operation |
Plasmid DNA Preparation> | Recombinant plasmid for wild-type (WT) two-domain BrNiR [pET-26b(+)-WTBr2DNiR-TEV-6xHis] was purchased from GenScript | Get A Quote |
Copper-containing nitrite reductases (CuNiRs), encoded by gene, are found in all kingdoms of life with only 5% of CuNiR denitrifiers having two or more copies of Recently, we have identified two copies of genes in several α-proteobacteria of the order Rhizobiales including sp. ORS 375, encoding a four-domain heme-CuNiR and the usual two-domain CuNiR ( NiR). Compared with two of the best-studied two-domain CuNiRs represented by the blue (NiR) and green (NiR) subclasses, NiR, a blue CuNiR, shows a substantially lower catalytic efficiency despite a sequence identity of ~70%. Advanced synchrotron radiation and x-ray free-electron laser are used to obtain the most accurate (atomic resolution with unrestrained ... More