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Insertion of prpoD_rpoS fragment enhances expression of recombinant protein by dps auto-inducible promoter in Escherichia coli

Mol Biol Rep. 2021-08; 
Dina Mulyanti, Sundani Nurono Soewandhi, Catur Riani
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Plasmid DNA Preparation … the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia, while plasmid pUCrpoS were prepared by GenScript, USA with … Get A Quote


background: Nowadays, recombinant therapeutic proteins have been widely produced and consumed. For the safety and effectiveness of the protein production, an auto-inducible expression vector is required to replace inducer interference, which is uneconomic and could be harmful. In this research, an auto-inducible expression plasmid, pCAD_sod (a pBR322 derivate plasmid), which was under dps (RpoS-dependent gene) promoter control, was modified to provide RpoS at earlier phase. Hence, accumulates more target protein and resulting a new plasmid, pCAD_sod. pCAD_sod had been constructed to automatically induces the expression of recombinant superoxide dismutase (SOD) from Staphylococcus equorum (rMnSODSeq) in the stat... More


Auto-inducible, RpoS, Superoxide dismutase, dps promoter