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Cryo-EM Structure of the Type IV Pilus Extension ATPase from Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli

mBio. 2022-12; 
Ashok R Nayak , Pradip K Singh , Jinlei Zhao , Montserrat Samsó , Michael S Donnenberg
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Molecular Biology Reagents A codon-optimized bfpD gene in plasmid BfpD-Hcp (GenScript, USA, a kind gift from Kurt Piepenbrink, Fig. S5) was amplified using PCR with primers BfpDNcoI and BfpDXhoI (Table S3), creating a Leu to Val substitution at codon two to allow cloning into a pET30a plasmid vector at NcoI/XhoI sites and creating plasmid pJZM00... Get A Quote


Type 4 pili (T4P) are retractable surface appendages found on numerous bacteria and archaea that play essential roles in various microbial functions, including host colonization by pathogens. An ATPase is required for T4P extension, but the mechanism by which chemical energy is transduced to mechanical energy for pilus extension has not been elucidated. Here, we report the cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of the BfpD ATPase from enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) in the presence of either ADP or a mixture of ADP and AMP-PNP. Both structures, solved at 3 Å resolution, reveal the typical toroid shape of AAA+ ATPases and unambiguous 6-fold symmetry. This 6-fold symmetry contrasts with the 2-fold... More


ATPase; Escherichia coli; enzyme kinetics; pili; pilus assembly; structural biology.