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Structural characterization of Treponema pallidum Tp0225 reveals an unexpected leucine-rich repeat architecture
Authors: Ramaswamy R, Houston S, Loveless B, Cameron CE, Boulanger MJ
Journal: Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun
PubMed ID: 31282868
Doi: 10.1107/S2053230X19007726
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Structural investigation of selective binding dynamics for the pheromone‐binding protein 1 of the grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana
Authors: Venthur H,, Machuca J,, Godoy R,, Palma-Millanao R, Zhou JJ,, Larama G,, Bardehle L,, Quiroz A,, Ceballos R, Mutis A,,
Journal: Arch Insect Biochem Physiol
PubMed ID: 31062883
Doi: 10.1002/arch.21557
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Kinetic characterization of the CH activation step for the lipoxygenase from the pathogenic fungus, M. oryzae: Impact of N-linked glycosylation
Authors: Kostenko A, Ray K, Iavarone AT, Offenbacher AR.
Journal: Biochemistry
PubMed ID: 31264852
Doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.9b00467
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   Gene Synthesis   
Structural basis of NKT cell inhibition using the T-cell receptor-blocking anti-CD1d antibody 1B1
Authors: Ying G, Wang J, Mallevaey T, Van Calenbergh S, Zajonc DM
Journal: J Biol Chem
PubMed ID: 31296659
Doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.009403
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
MRB10130 is a RESC assembly factor that promotes kinetoplastid RNA editing initiation and progression
Authors: McAdams NM, Harrison GL, Tylec BL, Ammerman ML, Chen R, Sun Y, Read LK
Journal: RNA
PubMed ID: 31221726
Doi: 10.1261/rna.071902.119
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Substrate-induced conformational dynamics of the dopamine transporter
Authors: Nielsen AK,, Möller IR,, Wang Y, Rasmussen SGF, Lindorff-Larsen K, Rand KD, Loland CJ
Journal: Nat Commun
PubMed ID: 31221956
Doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10449-w
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Sera Antibody Repertoire Analyses Reveal Mechanisms of Broad and Pandemic Strain Neutralizing Responses after Human Norovirus Vaccination
Authors: Lindesmith LC, McDaniel JR, Changela A, Verardi R, Kerr SA, Costantini V, Brewer-Jensen PD, Mallory ML, Voss WN, Boutz DR, Blazeck JJ, Ippolito GC, Vinje J, Kwong PD, Georgiou G, Baric RS
Journal: Immunity
PubMed ID: 31216462
Doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2019.05.007
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Identifying small molecule probes of ENTPD5 through high throughput screening
Authors: Durst MA, Ratia K,, Lavie A
Journal: PLoS ONE
PubMed ID: 31242188
Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210305
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Tropomyosin Isoform Expression in the Adductor Muscle of the Japanese Pearl Oyster, Pinctada fucata
Authors: Daisuke Funabara*, Ayaka Ohta, Jungo Sueyoshi, Satoshi Kanoh
Journal: American Journal of Molecular Biology
Doi: 10.4236/ajmb.2019.91002
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Structure of the saxiphilin: saxitoxin (STX) complex reveals a convergent molecular recognition strategy for paralytic toxins
Authors: Yen TJ, Lolicato M, Thomas-Tran R, Du Bois J, Minor DL Jr
Journal: Sci Adv
PubMed ID: 31223657
Doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aax2650
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   






