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Structural Characterization of NAP1-Related Protein 2 (AtNRP2) and Comparison with its Homolog AtNRP1.
Authors: KumarAshish,Kumar SinghAjit,Chandrakant BobdeRuchir,VasudevanDi
Journal: Molecules
PubMed ID: 31213016
Doi: 10.3390/molecules24122258
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Mechanistic basis of L-lactate transport in the SLC16 solute carrier family
Authors: Bosshart PD, Kalbermatter D, Bonetti S, Fotiadis D
Journal: Nat Commun.
PubMed ID: 31201333
Doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10566-6
Products & Services: Gene Services   Bacterial Expression System   
Vancomycin does not affect the enzymatic activities of purified VanSA
Authors: Upton EC, Maciunas LJ, Loll PJ
Journal: PLoS ONE
PubMed ID: 30677074
Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210627
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Cryo-EM structure of the essential ribosome assembly AAA-ATPase Rix7
Authors: Lo YH, Sobhany M, Hsu AL, Ford BL, Krahn JM, Borgnia MJ, Stanley RE
Journal: Nat Commun
PubMed ID: 30705282
Doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-08373-0
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Direct Regulation of the -Dependent Immune Response by TCP Transcription Factors.
Authors: SpearsBenjamin J,HowtonT C,GaoFei,GarnerChristopher M,MukhtarM Shahid,GassmannWa
Journal: Mol. Plant Microbe Interact.
PubMed ID: 30480481
Doi: 10.1094/MPMI-07-18-0201-FI
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Optimizing Periplasmic Expression in Escherichia coli for the Production of Recombinant Proteins Tagged with the Small Metal-Binding Protein SmbP
Authors: Bryan D. Santos Jose Ruben Morones‑Ramirez Isaias Balderas‑Renteria Nestor G. Casillas‑Vega David W. Galbraith Xristo Zarate
Journal: Molecular Biotechnology
PubMed ID: 30997666
Doi: 10.1007/s12033-019-00176-4
Products & Services: Gene Synthesis   Bacterial Expression System   
Chemical shift assignment of the viral protein genome-linked (VPg) from potato virus Y
Authors: Coutinho de Oliveira L, Volpon L, Osborne MJ, Borden KLB
Journal: Biomol NMR Assign
PubMed ID: 30242622
Doi: 10.1007/s12104-018-9842-3
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   
Development and application of a baculovirus-expressed capsid protein-based indirect ELISA for detection of porcine circovirus 3 IgG antibodies.
Authors: ZhangSujiao, WangDongliang, JiangYifan, LiZhoumian, ZouYawen, LiMeng, YuHaoyang, HuangKun, YangYi, WangNai
Journal: BMC Vet. Res.
PubMed ID: 30841883
Doi: 10.1186/s12917-019-1810-3
Products & Services: Gene Synthesis   Bacterial Expression System   
Dynamic Expression of Interferon Lambda Regulated Genes in Primary Fibroblasts and Immune Organs of the Chicken.
Authors: ArslanMehboob, YangXin, SanthakumarDiwakar, LiuXingjian, HuXiaoyuan, MunirMuhammad, LiYinü, ZhangZhi
Journal: Genes (Basel)
PubMed ID: 30769908
Doi: 10.3390/genes10020145
Products & Services: Gene Synthesis   Bacterial Expression System   
Cellular and Humoral Responses to Cte f 2, a Cat Flea Allergen, in Children with Papular Urticaria
Authors: Sabogal P, Lozano A, Mercado D, Cantillo JF,, Moncada L, Quiñones ML, Fernández-Caldas E, Caraballo L, Zakzuk J, García Gomez E
Journal: Int Arch Allergy Immunol
PubMed ID: 30904917
Doi: 10.1159/000496743
Products & Services: Bacterial Expression System   






