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Genome-Wide CRISPR Screen for Essential Cell Growth Mediators in Mutant KRAS Colorectal Cancers
Authors: Yau EH, Kummetha IR, Lichinchi G, Tang R, Zhang Y, Rana TM
Journal: Cancer Research
PubMed ID: 28954733
Doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-2043
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Parallel palaeogenomic transects reveal complex genetic history of early European farmers
Authors: Lipson M, Szécsényi-Nagy A, Mallick S, Pósa A, Stégmár B, Keerl V, Rohland N, Stewardson K, Ferry M, Michel M, Oppenheimer J, Broomandkhoshbacht N, Harney E, Nordenfelt S, Llamas B, Gusztáv Mende B, Köhler K, Oross K, Bondár M, Marton T, Osztás A, Jakucs J, Paluch T, Horváth F, Csengeri P, Koós J, Sebők K, Anders A, Raczky P, Regenye J, Barna JP, Fábián S, Serlegi G, Toldi Z, Gyöngyvér Nagy E, Dani J, Molnár E, Pálfi G, Márk L, Melegh B, Bánfai Z, Domboróczki L, Fernández-Eraso J, Antonio Mujika-Alustiza J, Alonso Fernández C, Jiménez Echevarría J, Bollongino R, Orschiedt J, Schierhold K, Meller H, Cooper A, Burger J, Bánffy E, Alt KW, Lalueza-Fox C, Haak W, Reich D
Journal: Nature
PubMed ID: 29144465
Doi: 10.1038/nature24476
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Toward biotechnology in space: High-throughput instruments for in situ biological research beyond Earth
Authors: Karouia F, Peyvan K, Pohorille A
Journal: Biotechnology advances
PubMed ID: 28433608
Doi: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2017.04.003
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Gene expression and molecular pathway activation signatures of MYCN-amplified neuroblastomas
Authors: Petrov I, Suntsova M, Ilnitskaya E, Roumiantsev S, Sorokin M, Garazha A, Spirin P, Lebedev T, Gaifullin N, Larin S, Kovalchuk O, Konovalov D, Prassolov V, Roumiantsev A, Buzdin A
Journal: Oncotarget
PubMed ID: 29137381
Doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.19662
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Data aggregation at the level of molecular pathways improves stability of experimental transcriptomic and proteomic data
Authors: Borisov N, Suntsova M, Sorokin M, Garazha A, Kovalchuk O, Aliper A, Ilnitskaya E, Lezhnina K, Korzinkin M, Tkachev V, Saenko V, Saenko Y, Sokov DG, Gaifullin NM, Kashintsev K, Shirokorad V, Shabalina I, Zhavoronkov A, Mishra B, Cantor CR, Buzdin A
Journal: Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.)
PubMed ID: 28825872
Doi: 10.1080/15384101.2017.1361068
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MicroRNA-125a-3p is involved in early behavioral disorders in stroke-afflicted rats through the regulation of Cadm2
Authors: Yuqing Liu, Yunjun Li, Zhenxing Ren, Wenwen Si, Yiwei Li, Gang Wei, Wenguang Zhao, Jianhong Zhou, Yage Tian, Dongfeng Chen
Journal: Int J Mol Med
PubMed ID: 29039453
Doi: 10.3892/ijmm.2017.3179
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High-Throughput Functional Genetic and Compound Screens Identify Targets for Senescence Induction in Cancer
Authors: Wang L, Leite de Oliveira R, Wang C, Fernandes Neto JM, Mainardi S, Evers B, Lieftink C, Morris B, Jochems F, Willemsen L, Beijersbergen RL, Bernards R
Journal: Cell Reports
PubMed ID: 29045843
Doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.09.085
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Genome-scale CRISPR pooled screens
Authors: Sanjana NE
Journal: Analytical biochemistry
PubMed ID: 27261176
Doi: 10.1016/j.ab.2016.05.014
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Multiplexed Point-of-Care Testing - xPOCT
Authors: Dincer C, Bruch R, Kling A, Dittrich PS, Urban GA
Journal: Trends in biotechnology
PubMed ID: 28456344
Doi: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2017.03.013
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CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Scanning for Regulatory Elements Required for HPRT1 Expression via Thousands of Large, Programmed Genomic Deletions
Authors: Gasperini M, Findlay GM, McKenna A, Milbank JH, Lee C, Zhang MD, Cusanovich DA, Shendure J
Journal: American journal of human genetics
PubMed ID: 28712454
Doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2017.06.010
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