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Activity of a Bacterial Cell Envelope Stress Response is Controlled by the Interaction of a Protein-binding Domain with Different Partners.

J Biol Chem.. 2015-05;  290(18):11417-30
Flores-Kim J,?Darwin AJ. Department of Microbiology, New York University School of Medicine.
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The bacterial phage shock protein (Psp) system is a highly conserved cell envelope stress response required for virulence in Yersinia enterocolitica and Salmonella enterica. In non-inducing conditions the transcription factor PspF is inhibited by an interaction with PspA. In contrast, PspA associates with the cytoplasmic membrane proteins PspBC during inducing conditions. This has led to the proposal that PspBC exists in an OFF state, which cannot recruit PspA, or an ON state, which can. However, nothing was known about the difference between these two states. Here, we provide evidence that it is the C-terminal domain of Y. enterocolitica PspC (PspC(CT)) that interacts directly with PspA, both in vivo and in vi... More


Bacterial Signal Transduction; Gene Regulation; Membrane; Protein Cross-linking; Protein-Protein Interaction; Stress Response