至今,GenScript的服务及产品已被Cell, Nature, Science, PNAS等1300多家生物医药类杂志引用近万次,处于行业领先水平。NIH、哈佛、耶鲁、斯坦福、普林斯顿、杜克大学等约400家全球著名机构使用GenScript的基因合成、多肽服务、抗体服务和蛋白服务等成功地发表科研成果,再次证明GenScript 有能力帮助业内科学家Make research easy.

Aproximación al estudio de libertad de operación para una línea transgénica de arroz en Colombia.

Rev. Colomb. Biotecnol.. 2016-12; 
AC Giraldo, C Diazgranados, VH Rojas.
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Catalog Products ... y en las reglamentaciones internas de la universidad”. Contratos, Contrato de compra con la empresa GenScript USA INC par la síntesis del gen cry-igp. Nº de orden de compra 76836. La resolución número 3523 del 14 de octubre ... Get A Quote


The development of a genetically modified variety (GM) is a scientific and legal challenge, by genetic engineering techni- ques used and the intellectual property rights (IPR) involved. Approximate analysis of freedom of operation for a GM line derived from a Colombian rice variety, express an optimized version of the cry1Ac gene; in order to pursue their commer- cial release in Colombia was made. To do this, a deconstruction of innovation, which potentially protectable elements DPI on which patent searches and patent applications were made in the national and international context, databases were determined public access was performed. 59 patents and patent applications were found in the international arena... More


plant biotechnology, cry1Ac, intellectual property rights, patents.