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Silencing of AtRAP, a target gene of a bacteria‐induced small RNA, triggers antibacterial defense responses through activation of LSU2 and down‐regulation of GLK1.

New Phytol.. 2017-08; 
Wang H,Seo JK,Gao S,Cui X,Jin H.
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WoLF PSORT ... and interacts with AtRAP. The advanced protein subcellular localization prediction tool WoLF PSORT also pre- dicted LSU2 to be present in the chloroplast/plastid (http:// www.genscript.com/wolf-psort.html). To test our hypothesis ... Get A Quote


Plants fine-tune their sophisticated immunity systems in response to pathogen infections. We previously showed that AtlsiRNA-1, a bacteria-induced plant endogenous small interfering RNA, silences the AtRAP gene, which encodes a putative RNA binding protein. In this study, we demonstrate that AtRAP functions as a negative regulator in plant immunity by characterizing molecular and biological responses of the knockout mutant and overexpression lines of AtRAP upon bacterial infection. AtRAP is localized in chloroplasts and physically interacts with Low Sulfur Upregulated 2 (LSU2), which positively regulates plant defense. Our results suggest that AtRAP negatively regulates defense responses by suppressing LSU2 thr... More


glk1 glk2 ; AtRAP; GLK1; LSU2; plant defense