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Catalog Products> | ... Calcium mobilization assay in mammalian cells stably expressing individual P2Y receptors Cell-based assays for activation of P2Y receptors were per- formed by GenScript Corporation (Piscataway, NJ, USA) and Multispan Inc. (Hayward, CA, USA). ... | Get A Quote |
ATP, ADP, UTP, and UDP acting as ligands of specific P2Y receptors activate intracellular signaling cascades to regulate a variety of cellular processes, including proliferation, migration, differentiation, and cell death. Contrary to a widely held opinion, we show here that nucleoside 5'-O-monophosphorothioate analogs, containing a sulfur atom in a place of one nonbridging oxygen atom in a phosphate group, act as ligands for selected P2Y subtypes. We pay particular attention to the unique activity of thymidine 5'-O-monophosphorothioate (TMPS) which acts as a specific partial agonist of the P2Y6 receptor (P2Y6R). We also collected evidence for the involvement of the P2Y6 receptor in human epithelial adenocarcin... More