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ORF cDNA Clones/MolecularCloud> | … gctgtacaag) between aa 699 and 700 of Human E-cadherin (P12830.3). The sequence was constructed and cloned into pcDNA3.1(+)_myc_HisA by Genscript. E-cadherin tension … cloned into pcDNA3.1(+)_myc_HisA by Genscript … | Get A Quote |
Actomyosin II contractility in epithelial cell plays an essential role in tension-dependent adhesion strengthening. One key unsettling question is how cellular contraction transmits force to the nascent cell-cell adhesion when there is no stable attachment between the nascent adhesion complex and actin filament. Here, we show that myosin-1c is localized to the lateral membrane of polarized epithelial cells and facilitates the coupling between actin and cell-cell adhesion. Knockdown of myosin-1c compromised the integrity of the lateral membrane, reduced the generation of tension at E-cadherin, decreased the strength of cell-cell cohesion in an epithelial cell monolayer and prevented force-dependent recruit... More