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Molecular phylogeny of anoplocephalid tapeworms (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae) infecting humans and non-human primates.

Parasitology. 2015; 
DoležalováJana,ValloPeter,PetrželkováKlára J,FoitováIvona,NurcahyoWisnu,MudakikwaAntoine,HashimotoChie,JirkůMilan,LukešJulius,ScholzTomáš,ModrýD
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DNA Sequencing … (2003), Waeschenbach et al (2007) and Littlewood et al (2008), respectively Upon resolution in ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels, the amplicons were gel-purified using the QuickClean Gel Extraction Kit (GenScript, USA) and sequenced at Macrogen Inc (Seoul, Korea) … Get A Quote


Anoplocephalid tapeworms of the genus Bertiella Stiles and Hassall, 1902 and Anoplocephala Blanchard, 1848, found in the Asian, African and American non-human primates are presumed to sporadic ape-to-man transmissions. Variable nuclear (5.8S-ITS2; 28S rRNA) and mitochondrial genes (cox1; nad1) of isolates of anoplocephalids originating from different primates (Callicebus oenanthe, Gorilla beringei, Gorilla gorilla, Pan troglodytes and Pongo abelii) and humans from various regions (South America, Africa, South-East Asia) were sequenced. In most analyses, Bertiella formed a monophyletic group within the subfamily Anoplocephalinae, however, the 28S rRNA sequence-based analysis indicated par... More


Anoplocephala,Bertiella,phylogeny,primates,zoonotic poten