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Quality control in oocytes by p63 is based on a spring-loaded activation mechanism on the molecular and cellular level.

Elife. 2016; 
CoutandinDaniel,OsterburgChristian,SrivastavRatnesh Kumar,SumykManuela,KehrloesserSebastian,GebelJakob,TuppiMarcel,HannewaldJens,SchäferBirgit,SalahEidarus,MatheaSebastian,Müller-KullerUta,DoutchJames,GrezManuel,KnappStefan,DötschVo
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Bacterial Expression System TAp63α was codon-optimized for expression in E. coli and ordered from Genscript (Piscataway, NJ, USA). Get A Quote


Mammalian oocytes are arrested in the dictyate stage of meiotic prophase I for long periods of time, during which the high concentration of the p53 family member TAp63α sensitizes them to DNA damage-induced apoptosis. TAp63α is kept in an inactive and exclusively dimeric state but undergoes rapid phosphorylation-induced tetramerization and concomitant activation upon detection of DNA damage. Here we show that the TAp63α dimer is a kinetically trapped state. Activation follows a spring-loaded mechanism not requiring further translation of other cellular factors in oocytes and is associated with unfolding of the inhibitory structure that blocks the tetramerization interface. Using a combination of biophysica... More


DNA damage,E. coli,biophysics,cell biology,kinetically trapped state,mouse,oocytes,p63,quality control,spring-loaded activation,structural bio