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Analysis of Global and Site-Specific Radiation Damage in Cryo-EM.

Structure. 2018; 
HattneJohan,ShiDan,GlynnCalina,ZeeChih-Te,Gallagher-JonesMarcus,MartynowyczMichael W,RodriguezJose A,GonenT
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Biochemicals … In MicroED, where phases are lost and only amplitudes are recorded, the minimum exposure necessary for recording the signal is significantly lower than in single-particle EM … BIS-TRIS, Sigma-Aldrich, Cat#B9754; CAS: 6976-37-0. GSNQNNF, GenScript, N/A … Get A Quote


Micro-crystal electron diffraction (MicroED) combines the efficiency of electron scattering with diffraction to allow structure determination from nano-sized crystalline samples in cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM). It has been used to solve structures of a diverse set of biomolecules and materials, in some cases to sub-atomic resolution. However, little is known about the damaging effects of the electron beam on samples during such measurements. We assess global and site-specific damage from electron radiation on nanocrystals of proteinase K and of a prion hepta-peptide and find that the dynamics of electron-induced damage follow well-established trends observed in X-ray crystallography. Metal ions are per... More


MicroED,electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM),electron crystallography,electron diffraction,radiation da