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Enzymatic biosynthesis and immobilization of polyprotein verified at the single-molecule level.

Nat Commun. 2019-06; 
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Gene Synthesis The gene coding for protein of interest: ubiquitin from human (Ub), rubredoxins (Rd, Rd represents Zn-formed rubredoxin from Clostridium pasteurianum, if not specified, Fe-form rubredoxin from Pyrococcus furiosus), the B1 domain of immunoglobulin G (GB1), the cellulose-binding module (CBM), type III cohesin-dockerin-X module domain complex from Ruminococcus flavefaciens (Coh-Xmodule-Doc, or Coh-XDoc), tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease (fused with superfold GFP as GFP-TEV for use), elastin-like polypeptides (ELP) were ordered from GenScript Inc, respectively. All genes were finally confirmed by DNA sequencing from GenScript Inc. Get A Quote
DNA Sequencing Get A Quote


The recent development of chemical and bio-conjugation techniques allows for the engineering of various protein polymers. However, most of the polymerization process is difficult to control. To meet this challenge, we develop an enzymatic procedure to build polyprotein using the combination of a strict protein ligase OaAEP1 (Oldenlandia affinis asparaginyl endopeptidases 1) and a protease TEV (tobacco etch virus). We firstly demonstrate the use of OaAEP1-alone to build a sequence-uncontrolled ubiquitin polyprotein and covalently immobilize the coupled protein on the surface. Then, we construct a poly-metalloprotein, rubredoxin, from the purified monomer. Lastly, we show the feasibility of synthesizi... More
