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Biochemicals | … All PCR products were amplified with Taq polymerase (Genscript, Piscataway, NJ, United States) following the manufacturer's guidelines. All primer annealing temperatures were between 56–60°C and extension times were calculated using a rate of 1 kb per minute … | Get A Quote |
Modulation of gene expression through RNA interference is well conserved in eukaryotes and is involved in many cellular processes. In the oomycete Phytophthora, research on the small RNA machinery and function has started to reveal potential roles in the pathogen, but much is still unknown. We examined Argonaute (AGO) homologs within oomycete genome sequences, especially among Phytophthora species, to gain a clearer understanding of the evolution of this well-conserved protein family. We identified AGO homologs across many representative oomycete and stramenopile species, and annotated representative homologs in P. sojae. Furthermore, we demonstrate variable transcript levels of all identified AGO homologs in c... More