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First Report of Rhizoctonia solani, AG4 HG-II Causing Rhizoctonia Root Rot in Beta vulgaris in Minnesota, USA

Journal of Plant Physiology & Pathology. 2020-08; 
Haque ME, and Parvin MS
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DNA Sequencing and 8 samples were sent for Sanger sequencing to GenScript (Piscataway, NJ). Get A Quote


Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) taproots are often infected with soilborne pathogens included Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, Aphanomyces, Pythium and Geotrichum. These evidenced to cause substantial qualitative and quantitative losses [1]. Till today, 13 anastomosis groups (AG1-AG13) of R. solani have been reported in a wide range of crops, among them AG 2-2 mainly cause root and crown rot in sugar beet [2]. In August/2019-sugar-beet growing season, dark brown to black irregular water-soaked lesions were observed on the sugar beet taproot in the production areas of Foxhome (46.2774° N, 96.3100° W), Minnesota. Approximately 2-5% of disease incidence was recorded. Small pieces (10 mm²) of symptomatic root tissues ... More
