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Identification two key residues at the intersection of domains of a thioether monooxygenase for improving its sulfoxidation performance

Biotechnol Bioeng. 2020; 
Shi-Miao Ren, Feng Liu, Yin-Qi Wu, Qi Chen, Zhi-Jun Zhang, Hui-Lei Yu, Jian-He Xu
Products/Services Used Details Operation
PCR Cloning and Subcloning … All other chemicals were purchased from Macklin. Primers were synthesized by GenScript Biotech Co., Ltd., Nanjing, China. The enzymes involved in the molecular cloning experiment, such as rTaq polymerase, PrimerSTAR and restriction enzymes (Dpn I, Nde I, and Hind III) … Get A Quote


AcCHMO, a cyclohexanone monooxygenase from Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, is a typical Type I Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase (BVMO). We previously obtained the AcCHMO mutant, which oxidizes omeprazole sulfide (OPS) to the chiral sulfoxide drug esomeprazole. To further improve the catalytic efficiency of the AcCHMO mutant, a focused mutagenesis strategy was adopted at the intersections of the FAD-binding domain, NADPH-binding domain, and α-helical domain based on structural characteristics of AcCHMO. By using focused mutagenesis and subsequent global evolution two key residues (L55 and P497) at the intersections of the domains were identified. Mutant of L55Y improved catalytic efficiency significantly, whereas the... More


(S)-omeprazole, biocatalysis, protein engineering, thioether monooxygenases