Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (MCSF) is an essential growth factor to control the proliferation, differentiation and survival of the macrophage lineage in vertebrates. Sequences of MCSF have been identified in multiple teleost species, however, the functional investigations of MCSF were documented in only a few species. In this study, we examined the biological activity and the immunomodulatory property of a MCSF homologue, PoMCSF, from Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Structural analysis showed that PoMCSF possesses conserved structural characteristics of MCSF proteins, including a signal peptide, a CSF-1 domain, and a transmembrane region closed to the C-terminal. Under normal physiological ... More
Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (MCSF) is an essential growth factor to control the proliferation, differentiation and survival of the macrophage lineage in vertebrates. Sequences of MCSF have been identified in multiple teleost species, however, the functional investigations of MCSF were documented in only a few species. In this study, we examined the biological activity and the immunomodulatory property of a MCSF homologue, PoMCSF, from Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Structural analysis showed that PoMCSF possesses conserved structural characteristics of MCSF proteins, including a signal peptide, a CSF-1 domain, and a transmembrane region closed to the C-terminal. Under normal physiological condition, PoMCSF expression distributes in all the examined tissues, the highest three tissues are blood, muscle, and head kidney. When infected by extracellular and intracellular bacterial pathogens and viral pathogen, the PoMCSF expression patterns vary with different types of microbial pathogens infection and different immune tissues. In vitro experiment showed recombinant PoMCSF promoted the activity of macrophage. In vivo experiment indicated that PoMCSF overexpression boosted the defensive ability of flounder against Edwardsiella piscicida, a severe fish pathogen that infects multiple species of economically important fish, and regulated the expression of multiple immune-related genes. To explore the relationship between PoMCSF and its receptor PoMCSFR, anti-PoMCSFR antibody was prepared and PoMCSFR knockdown was conducted. The neutralization assay showed that when PoMCSFR was neutralized by its antibody, the role of PoMCSF on host defense against E. piscicida was weakened. Knockdown of PoMCSFR impaired the phagocytic capacity of macrophages. Collectively, these findings suggest that PoMCSF plays a crucial role in the immune defense system of Japanese flounder and the effect of PoMCSF is dependent on PoMCSFR. This study provides new insights into the biological activity of MCSF and the relationship between MCSF and MCSFR in teleost.