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Neuropeptide repertoire and 3D anatomy of the ctenophore nervous system

Curr Biol. 2021-09; 
Maria Y Sachkova, Eva-Lena Nordmann, Joan J Soto-Àngel, Yasmin Meeda, Bartłomiej Górski, Benjamin Naumann, Daniel Dondorp, Marios Chatzigeorgiou, Maike Kittelmann, Pawel Burkhardt
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Catalog Peptides … Nine neuropeptides (synthesized by GenScript, USA) were diluted with 27.5 ppt ASW or deionised water according to the solubility test results provided by the manufacturer. Custom made arena molds were created using 3D printing with a depth of 4 mm and a width of 10 mm. … Get A Quote


Ctenophores are gelatinous marine animals famous for locomotion by ciliary combs. Due to the uncertainties of the phylogenetic placement of ctenophores and the absence of some key bilaterian neuronal genes, it has been hypothesized that their neurons evolved independently. Additionally, recent whole-body, single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis failed to identify ctenophore neurons using any of the known neuronal molecular markers. To reveal the molecular machinery of ctenophore neurons, we have characterized the neuropeptide repertoire of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi. Using the machine learning NeuroPID tool, we predicted 129 new putative neuropeptide precursors. Sixteen of them were localized to t... More


Ctenophora, Mnemiopsis leidyi, anastomosed neurites, evolution, nervous system, neuron, neuropeptides, peptidergic vesicles