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Impact of temperature on the affinity of SARS-CoV-2 Spike for ACE2

biorxiv. 2021-07; 
Jérémie Prévost, Jonathan Richard, Romain Gasser, Shilei Ding, Clément Fage, Sai Priya Anand, Damien Adam, Natasha Gupta Vergara, Alexandra Tauzin, Mehdi Benlarbi, Shang Yu Gong, Guillaume Goyette, Anik Privé, Sandrine Moreira, Hugues Charest, Michel Roger, Walther Mothes, Marzena Pazgier, Emmanuelle Brochiero, Guy Boivin, Cameron F Abrams, Arne Schön, Andrés Finzi
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Mutant Libraries … codon-optimized and synthesized by Genscript (9). The plasmid … Either SARS-CoV-2 RBD WT or the N501Y mutant were … nM for the immobilized SARS-CoV-2 RBD WT was assessed at … Get A Quote


The seasonal nature in the outbreaks of respiratory viral infections with increased transmission during low temperatures has been well established. The current COVID-19 pandemic makes no exception, and temperature has been suggested to play a role on the viability and transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2. The receptor binding domain (RBD) of the Spike glycoprotein binds to the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) to initiate viral fusion. Studying the effect of temperature on the receptor-Spike interaction, we observed a significant and stepwise increase in RBD-ACE2 affinity at low temperatures, resulting in slower dissociation kinetics. This translated into enhanced interaction of the full Spike to ACE2 receptor a... More
