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Custom Vector Construction> | … The sequence for mEAK-7 was amplified from the pET28a(+) vector from GenScript for Gibson assembly (New England Biolabs), cloning into the pmCherry-N1 (Clonetech) expression … | Get A Quote |
V-ATPases are rotary proton pumps that serve as signaling hubs with numerous protein binding partners. CryoEM with exhaustive focused classification allowed detection of endogenous proteins associated with porcine kidney V-ATPase. An extra C subunit was found in ∼3% of complexes, whereas ∼1.6% of complexes bound mEAK-7, a protein with proposed roles in dauer formation in nematodes and mTOR signaling in mammals. High-resolution cryoEM of porcine kidney V-ATPase with recombinant mEAK-7 showed that mEAK-7's TLDc domain interacts with V-ATPase's stator, whereas its C-terminal α helix binds V-ATPase's rotor. This crosslink would be expected to inhibit rotary catalysis. However, unlike the yeast TLDc protein Oxr... More