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Dependency of sanitation infrastructure on the discharge of faecal coliform and SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA in wastewater from COVID and non-COVID hospitals in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Sci Total Environ. 2023-01; 
Nuhu Amin, Rehnuma Haque, Md Ziaur Rahman, Mohammed Ziaur Rahman, Zahid Hayat Mahmud, Rezaul Hasan, Md Tahmidul Islam, Protim Sarker, Supriya Sarker, Shaikh Daud Adnan, Nargis Akter, Dara Johnston, Mahbubur Rahman, Pengbo Liu, Yuke Wang, Tahmina Shirin, Mahbubur Rahman, Prosun Bhattacharya
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Custom DNA/RNA Oligos … Custom-designed plasmid positive control was synthesized and ordered from GenScript to enable the quantification of viral RNA using standard curve (GenScript USA Inc., Piscataway, … Get A Quote


The detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) RNA in wastewater can be used as an indicator of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in specific catchment areas. We conducted a hospital-based study to explore wastewater management in healthcare facilities and analyzed SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the hospital wastewater in Dhaka city during the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak between September 2020-January 2021. We selected three COVID-hospitals, two non-COVID-hospitals, and one non-COVID-hospital with COVID wards, conducted spot-checks of the sanitation systems (i.e., toilets, drainage, and septic-tank), and collected 90 untreated wastewater effluent samples (68 from COVID and 22 fr... More


Bangladesh, Faecal contamination, Hospital sanitation facilities, Hospital wastewater, SARS-CoV-2, Viral RNA, Wastewater-based epidemiology