Products/Services Used | Details | Operation |
PCR Cloning and Subcloning> | Transfer of Jo-Myo6-In from baculovirus vector to P-EGFP-C1 was ordered from GenScript. | Get A Quote |
Myosin VI (Myo6) is the only minus-end directed nanomotor on actin, allowing it to uniquely contribute to numerous cellular functions. As for other nanomotors, the proper functioning of Myo6 relies on precise spatiotemporal control of motor activity via a poorly defined off-state and interactions with partners. Our structural, functional, and cellular studies reveal key features of myosin regulation and indicate that not all partners can activate Myo6. TOM1 and Dab2 cannot bind the off-state, while GIPC1 binds Myo6, releases its auto-inhibition and triggers proximal dimerization. Myo6 partners thus differentially recruit Myo6. We solved a crystal structure of the proximal dimerization domain, and show that its ... More