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In vitro reconstitution of meiotic DNA double-strand-break formation

Nature. 2025-02; 
Xinzhe Tang , Zetao Hu , Jian Ding , Meixia Wu , Pin Guan , Yawei Song , Yue Yin , Wei Wu , Jinbiao Ma , Ying Huang , Ming-Han Tong
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Custom DNA/RNA Oligos All samples were subjected to 8 M urea–PAGE to separate cleavage fragments. The oligonucleotides (GenScript) used in this study are listed in Supplementary Table 5. Get A Quote


The Spo11 complex catalyses the formation of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), initiating meiotic recombination-a process that is essential for fertility and genetic diversity1,2. Although the function of Spo11 has been known for 27 years, previous efforts to reconstitute DSB formation in vitro have been unsuccessful. Here we biochemically characterize the mouse SPO11-TOP6BL protein complex, and show that this complex cleaves DNA and covalently attaches to the 5' terminus of DNA breaks in vitro. Using a point-mutation strategy, we reveal that Mg2+ is essential for the DNA-cleavage activity of this complex in vitro, as confirmed by knock-in mice carrying a point mutation in SPO11 that disrupts its binding to Mg2+... More
