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Arginine- but not alanine-rich carboxy-termini trigger nuclear translocation of mutant keratin 10 in ichthyosis with confetti.
Authors: Renz P, Imahorn E, Spoerri I, Aushev M, March OP, Wariwoda H, Von Arb S, Volz A, Itin PH,, Reichelt J, Burger B.
Journal: J Cell Mol Med
PubMed ID: 31638346
Doi: 10.1111/jcmm.14727
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
Blocking of an intronic splicing silencer completely rescues IKBKAP exon 20 splicing in familial dysautonomia patient cells
Authors: Bruun GH, Bang JMV, Christensen LL, Brøner S, Petersen USS, Guerra B, Grønning AGB, Doktor TK, Andresen BS.
Journal: Nucleic Acids Res.
PubMed ID: 29762696
Doi: 10.1093/nar/gky395
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
Disruption of the E. coli LptC dimerization interface and characterization of lipopolysaccharide and LptA binding to monomeric LptC
Authors: Schultz KM, Fischer MA, Noey EL, Klug CS.
Journal: Protein Sci.
PubMed ID: 29672978
Doi: 10.1002/pro.3429
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   Gene Synthesis   
Replacing C189 in the bZIP domain of Zta with S, T, V, or A changes DNA binding specificity to four types of double stranded DNA
Authors: Ray S, Tillo D, Assad N, Ufot A, Deppmann C, Durell SR, Porollo A, Vinson C.
Journal: Biochem Biophys Res Commun.
PubMed ID: 29772230
Doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2018.05.080
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
A human monoclonal antibody prevents malaria infection by targeting a new site of vulnerability on the parasite.
Authors: Kisalu NK, Idris AH, Weidle C, Flores-Garcia Y, Flynn BJ, Sack BK, Murphy S, Schön A, Freire E, Francica JR, Miller AB6, Gregory J3, March S6, Liao HX7, Haynes BF7,8,9, Wiehe K7,8, Trama AM7, Saunders KO7,10, Gladden MA7, Monroe A7, Bonsignori M7,8, Kanekiyo M1, Wheatley AK1, McDermott AB1, Farney SK1, Chuang GY1, Zhang B1, Kc N11, Chakravarty S, Kwong PD, Sinnis P, Bhatia SN, Kappe SHI, Sim BKL, Hoffman SL, Zavala F, Pancera M, Seder RA.
Journal: Nat Med
PubMed ID: 29554083
Doi: 10.1038/nm.4512
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   Peptide Synthesis   Gene Synthesis   
Cell-free production of a therapeutic protein: Expression, purification, and characterization of recombinant streptokinase using a CHO lysate.
Authors: Tran K, Gurramkonda C, Cooper MA, Pilli M, Taris JE, Selock N, Han TC, Tolosa M, Zuber A, Peñalber-Johnstone C, Dinkins C, Pezeshk N, Kostov Y, Frey DD, Tolosa L, Wood DW, Rao G.
Journal: Biotechnol Bioeng.
PubMed ID: 28843001
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
Formate rescues neural tube defects caused by mutations in .
Authors: KimJimi,LeiYunping,GuoJin,KimSung-Eun,WlodarczykBogdan J,CabreraRobert M,LinYing Linda,NilssonTorbjorn K,ZhangTing,RenAiguo,WangLinlin,YuanZhengwei,ZhengYu-Fang,WangHong-Yan,FinnellRicha
Journal: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
PubMed ID: 29666258
Doi: 10.1073/pnas.1800138115
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
Specific stereochemistry of OP-1074 disrupts estrogen receptor alpha helix 12 and confers pure antiestrogenic activity.
Authors: Fanning S W,Hodges-Gallagher L,Myles D C,Sun R,Fowler C E,Plant I N,Green B D,Harmon C L,Greene G L,Kushner
Journal: Nat Commun
PubMed ID: 29915250
Doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-04413-3
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
Association of Genetic Variants With Warfarin-Associated Bleeding Among Patients of African Descent.
Authors: De T, Alarcon C, Hernandez W, Liko I, Cavallari LH, Duarte JD, Perera MA.
Journal: JAMA
PubMed ID: 30357299
Doi: 10.1001/jama.2018.14955
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
A Single Complex Agpat2 Allele in a Patient With Partial Lipodystrophy.
Authors: Broekema MF, Massink MPG, De Ligt J, Stigter ECA, Monajemi H,, De Ridder J, Burgering BMT, van Haaften GW, Kalkhoven E.
Journal: Front Physiol
PubMed ID: 30319454
Doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.01363
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   






