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Functional analysis of PCSK2 coding variants: a founder effect in the Old Order Amish population.
Authors: Winters A,Ramos-Molina B,Jarvela TS,Yerges-Armstrong L,Pollin TI,Lindberg I.
Journal: Diabetes Res Clin Pract.
PubMed ID: 28719828
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
miR-101 alleviates chemoresistance of gastric cancer cells by targeting ANXA2.
Authors: Bao J,Xu Y,Wang Q,Zhang J,Li Z,Li D,Li J.
Journal: Biomed Pharmacother.
PubMed ID: 28609840
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
A novel missense mutation in the ALPL gene causes dysfunction of the protein
Authors: ChenBin, LiLili, RenWeitong, YiLong, WangYaping, YanF
Journal: Mol Med Rep
PubMed ID: 28586049
Doi: 10.3892/mmr.2017.6668
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
Identification of Structure-Stabilizing Interactions in Enzymes: A Novel Mechanism to Impact Enzyme Activity.
Authors: Serrano M, Gonzalez V, Ray S, Chavez MD, Narayan M.
Journal: Cell Biochem Biophys.
PubMed ID: 28756483
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
Bioprospection of Extremozymes for Conversion of Lignocellulosic Feedstocks to Bioethanol and Other Biochemicals
Authors: Felipe SarmientoGiannina EspinaFreddy BoehmwaldRocío PeraltaJenny M. Blamey
Journal: Extremophilic Enzymatic Processing of Lignocellulosic Feedstocks to Bioenergy
Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-54684-1_14
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
In silico and functional evaluation of PTH1R mutations found in patients with primary failure of eruption (PFE).
Authors: Hendricks HM,Bencharit S,Seaman W,Frazier-Bowers SA.
Journal: Orthod Craniofac Res.
PubMed ID: 28643929
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
DNA damage and S phase-dependent E2F1 stabilization requires the cIAP1 E3-ubiquitin ligase and is associated with K63-poly-ubiquitination on lysine 161/164 residues.
Authors: Valérie Glorian, Jennifer Allègre, Jean Berthelet, Baptiste Dumetier, Pierre-Marie Boutanquoi, Nathalie Droin, Cémile Kayaci,Jessy Cartier, Simon Gemble, Guillaume Marcion, Daniel Gonzalez, Romain Boidot, Carmen Garrido, Olivier Michaud,Eric Solary and Laurence Dubrez
Journal: Cell Death and Disease (2017) 8, e2816
PubMed ID: 28542143
Doi: :10.1038/cddis.2017.222
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
mTORC1 Promotes T-bet Phosphorylation To Regulate Th1 Differentiation.
Authors: Chornoguz O,,,Hagan RS,,,Haile A,,Arwood ML,,Gamper CJ,,Banerjee A,Powell JD,.
Journal: J Immunol.
PubMed ID: 28424242
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
Competing Pathways and Multiple Folding Nuclei in a Large Multidomain Protein, Luciferase
Authors: SchollZackary N, YangWeitao, MarszalekPio
Journal: Biophys. J.
PubMed ID: 28494954
Doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2017.03.028
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   
Flow cytometric measurement of the cellular propagation of TDP-43 aggregation
Authors: ZeineddineRafaa, WhitenDaniel R, FarrawellNatalie E, McAlaryLuke, HanspalMaya A, KumitaJanet R, WilsonMark R, YerburyJust
Journal: Prion
PubMed ID: 28486039
Doi: 10.1080/19336896.2017.1314426
Products & Services: Mutagenesis Services   






