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Molecular cloning of porcine Siglec-3, Siglec-5 and Siglec-10, and identification of Siglec-10 as an alternative receptor for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV).

J Gen Virol. 2017; 
Xie J, Christiaens I, Yang B, Breedam WV, Cui T, Nauwynck HJ.
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Monoclonal Antibody Services … For detection of the V5-tag, a mouse monoclonal antibody (GenScript; {"type":"entrez-nucleotide"," attrs":{"text":"A00641","term_id":"14571","term_text":"A00641"}}A00641) and a goat anti-mouse IgG horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-labelled secondary antibody (Dako; P0447) were … Get A Quote


In recent years, several entry mediators have been characterized for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). Porcine sialoadhesin [pSn, also known as sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-type lectin (Siglec-1)] and porcine CD163 (pCD163) have been identified as the most important host entry mediators that can fully coordinate PRRSV infection into macrophages. However, recent isolates have not only shown a tropism for sialoadhesin-positive cells, but also for sialoadhesin-negative cells. This observation might be partly explained by the existence of additional receptors that can support PRRSV binding and entry. In the search for new receptors, recently identified porcine Siglecs (Siglec-3, Sig... More
