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Oligo pool> | … the kinase domain and 5-10 sgRNAs targeting within this domain were picked based on published design strategies.14 An oligo pool consisting of 6237 60bp oligos targeting all 545 kinases as well as 10 positive and 1000 negative controls was synthesized by CustomArray … | Get A Quote |
Novel therapies for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are urgently needed as current treatments do not cure the majority of AML patients. Here, we report on a domain-focused, kinome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 screen to identify protein kinase targets for the treatment of AML, which led to the identification of Rio-kinase 2 (RIOK2) as a potential novel target. We show that loss of RIOK2 leads to a decrease in protein synthesis and to ribosomal instability followed by apoptosis in leukemic cells, but not in fibroblasts. Moreover, we demonstrate that the ATPase function of RIOK2 is required for cell survival. By using a small molecule inhibitor, we show that pharmacological inhibition of RIOK2 similarly leads to... More